Watch 2024 Diocesan Ministries Appeal Video


Diocesan Ministries Appeal

United in Faith, Hope and Love

Food Pantry Renovation Update

Your Gift at Work

In addition to helping support dozens of Catholic Charities programs and ministries, the Appeal is in the second year of our three-year commitment to allocate $200,000 annually toward the complete renovation of the Father English Food Pantry in Paterson, which serves about 18,000 people monthly.

The new food pantry will:

  • Reconfigure the space to increase shelving and aisles
  • Enlarge our clohing area for people in need
  • Expand veteran services, especially for those facing homelessness
  • Offer classes in English as a Second Language, health and nutrition, parenting, workforce training and computer skills

We will care for our brothers and sisters with dignity as children of God and be an example of His love and compassion to the local community.

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